Wednesday 7 September 2016


We know your time is precious and you want to improve your site’s ranking with lightning fast speed. Follow these guidelines, and improve site ranking and authority in search results.

1. Create Relevant Content

Quality content is the main driver of your web index rankings and there is not a viable alternative for incredible content. Quality content, made particularly for target user, expands site activity, which enhances your site's authority and importance.

Select a keyword phrase for every page. Consider how your reader may hunt down that particular page (with expressions like "online shopping in Michigan," or "clothes shopping Michigan"). At that point, rehash this expression a few times all through the page—on more than one occasion in the opening and closing sections, and two to four more times all through the remaining content.

Bear in mind to utilize strong, italics, heading tags, and different accentuation tags to highlight keyword phrases, however don't try too hard.

Never give up great written work for SEO. The best pages are composed for the user, not for the web index.

2. Update Your Content Daily

You've most likely seen that we feel pretty emphatically about content. Web search tools do as well. Regularly updated content is seen as one of the best markers of a site's pertinence, so make sure to keep it new.

3. Metadata

At the point when planning your site, every page contains a space between the <head> labels to embed metadata, or data about the content of your page. In the event that you have a CMS webpage, the UMC web team will have pre-populated this information for you.

Wednesday 24 August 2016

How To Make The Love Of Sports Worth Your While?

Wanna do something for the love of sports? If you’ve been thinking about it, you’re probably a sports craver that doesn’t want anything coming in between today’s game and your luxury chair.
I’m also guessing you’re way too much into sports and a great weekend for you would be the one where you and your best buddies discuss in local bar how Steelers took down Seahawks.
If I’m correct thus far, I know what you need to do. A sports website. Yeah, a sports website. You and your friends have undying love for the game and apparently, there are millions in The United States that live and die for sport. Why not share the love?
Imagine a place where everyone discusses why Eagles are better than Broncos but you’re the one with the final say, a say based on insight that everyone listens to and respects. A place where you’re the king.
Liking the idea already? Here’s what needs to be done to get that site up and running.

Top Features For A Great Sports Homepage

·         Photos – huge photos and sliders. You want to appeal directly to their feelings for sports
·         News – All the latest happenings in the world of NBA, NFL, NHL or MLB so they can catch up
·         Content – Apart from news, you need a kick-ass blog and the pages with content that magnetizes them

How To Monetize The Site?

I deliberately left this segment as a surprise. Well, wouldn’t you know… you can make money out of it too. There’s one business website feature you can integrate today and get money rolling. And you know what that business website feature is? Merchandising.

Once you’ve got your site is up and running, and once users start flowing in, all you have got to do is put up kits, hats, jerseys and other merchandizes over the website and people will fall over for it. You can also guide them towards ticket locations and in the process market your merch. How cool is that? Easy money, doing the thing you love!

Monday 27 June 2016


Internet marketing is picking up the pace as more and more businesses are investing their money and resources to get the maximum profit from their business. With a lot of marketing techniques and tools, it is becoming easier to grab the attention of your potential customers to promote your products and services.

Visual content such as high quality infographics and images are becoming one of the essential elements of marketing strategy. Infographics and marketing together play a very significant role. Here are a few guidelines to make you understand better about the use of infographics in marketing strategy.

Pick an Exclusive Topic

Infogaphics are available in a number of different styles. You must pick the style which relates most to your industry. Infographics are extraordinary for showing the advancement of ideas, (for example, innovations and methods of insight). Instructional infographics are valuable for separating the strides required in finishing an assignment or a task. Invest some time evaluating infographic resources, for example, Nerdgraph and Find out the styles of infographics and you'll certainly get amazing ideas.

Tip: You ought to never make an infographic only to promote your image, items, or services. These sort of infographics never increase any engagement and are a misuse of your assets. Infographics ought to be made with the expectation to give value as opposed to get it.

Do Some Research

Your sources are the soul of your infographic. Without sound sources, your story has no legs to remain on and will be instantly rejected.

Search inside your association for information that can be passed on graphically. Client survey information, sales statistics, and data about industry patterns would all be able to be utilized as sources to certify your infographic.

Create Content

Once you've gathered a variety of helpful statistics and insights, it's a great opportunity to work them into an effective story.

The way to make incredible infographics is thinking visually. The content should be sufficiently concise to bolster the visual components without drawing attention away. Hence, it's best to utilize a marketing specialist who has considerable experience with design or is experienced at composing infographic content.

Tuesday 21 June 2016

Creating A Good Business Website – What To Consider

Online marketing has overshadowed traditional methods of marketing. A good website, used to be a luxury just a few years back, isn’t so anymore. In fact, digital arena is crowded today, not making a place for yourself over it can mean impending extinction. No website, no business is the law today.
So if you’re here looking for a way to make your site greater than Trump’s campaign, so to speak, try out the elements I’m go put forward right now.

Assessing your wants
But, of course. Making a website without a clear picture in head is a surefire recipe for disaster. Questions like “Who are my customers?” “What do they want?” “What do the customers seek?” “Why do they seek what they seek?” need to be answered before you begin to create a free website.

Be Patient, or Not
It’s totally okay to feel your site is going to be done in a few hours if you have no knowledge of development and stuff, but if you are from that background, you already know it takes hours and days of sweat. Designing, scrapping and then designing again. It’s all a part of the process if the aspirations are high. But there still is one way to make a quick work of it without cutting down on creativity supply. And that would be a website building tool. There are paid and free tools as well, so how about if you create a free website yourself before you spend some bucks on the actual version. Using these builders you can always make them for free, then get the paid version which is around $5.

Line ‘em up
Is it good enough to captivate the landing user? Is it up to the mark? Is it delivering value? Is there room for future expansion? You need to line up and ensure these elements are met.

Got Substance?
Content alone, of course, has the power to outweigh a dozen elements of website, and more. What the site cannot cheap out on aesthetics and other elements. It needs to make a sound impact on the reader, from interface, to navigation, to content.

Think ahead of time
Your business is going great and now you want to add more products and diversify. Changing technology is making you stay up to the mark and maintain site regularly. You did plan for all of it in advance right? That’s why they say to always stay one step ahead!

Get a clue!
Oh you know someone who made a website as his junior high project. That’s great! Just be sure not to entrust all of your business, all your glory, all your success and all your profits to him by letting him make a website. If he’s not a professional, he probably doesn’t understand the trends and industry standards. Load times, optimum images, content to html ratio and all other aspects. He may have no clue, but that doesn’t mean you should have none either.

Make realistic expectations
If it’s still THAT SOMEONE making your site, you know what you’ve paid for, expect only as much value in return.

Never gamble
If you’re paying big buck first up, and the site turns out to be a mess, there will be no going back. Well, maybe there will be, but it’s going to cost you and your business, a lot! So again, try going for those website builders I mentioned earlier. You can start with Glu7 to get a head start and create a free website right away.

Tuesday 14 June 2016

PlayStation vs. Xbox: Who Won at E3 2016?

e3 2016: PS vs. XBOX

Finally! The long-awaited hours are finally past us, and we can now analyze which one of these two colossal giants served gamers better. Let’s not waste any more time and get on to it.

The Hype

Before their respective conferences, both MS and Sony were going shoulder to shoulder, toe to toe because of the coming IPs, both scheduled and speculated. Heading into their conferences we saw Microsoft coming up with huge announcements and Sony, as usual, capitalizing on the advantage of its slot, which is always after Microsoft’s, to adapt and improvise. So, here are the big announcements.



As was expected, Microsoft announced Xbox One S, a new console with 4K output, built-in power supply and to an extent, better color output. One S also featured 40% reduced size, thus gaining the title of “Slimmest Xbox ever.” Xbox One S will be available starting August 2016 at a retail price of $299

The presentation also introduced a concept of make your own Xbox One controller where the fans will be able to carve their version of customized Xbox Controller.

Team Xbox then moved onto cool games like Forza Horizon 3, We Happy Few, Dead Rising 4, Gwent, State of Decay 2 and Halo Wars 2 along with multiplatform titles.

The final minutes of the presentation were the best. That is when Microsoft unveiled Project Scorpio, a console that developers are deeming the most powerful console ever made – like ever! If that doesn’t get fans excited, I don’t know what did.

But gamers will have to wait till the Holiday season next year because this baby isn’t coming out soon.


Sony was no short of exciting announcements. Their turn began with a preview of the new God of War, which feels more of a reboot and now features more RPG elements than its trademark hack n’ slash. That got the crowd roaring to say the least.

Then, there was legendary Kojima san and his first work since his departure from Konami’s MGS division.

The Last Guardian, a sort of successor to PS2’s all-time favorite, Shadow of Colossus, was also exhibited and the fans screamed at that as well.

Sony was ahead of Microsoft in terms of virtual reality because while no significant developments were disclosed regarding Hololens, Sony’s VR definitely gave gamers a taste of what’s to come in the gaming industry. Resident Evil VR, Batman VR, FIFA VR and Spiderman VR landed serious blows on Microsoft’s magnificent presentation.


While the demo of Gears of War 4 got audience on their feet, games like Detroit: Become Human and Death Stranding clearly brought upheaval, and in a good way.

The outcome? Sony, to me, was better than Microsoft this year because it featured games, something that have the real power to drive console sales.


Glu7 Free Website Builder
After several glu7 reviews, we decided to test it ourselves, keeping in mind the end goal to validate those user reviews.

There were three reasons to pick glu7 as the best free site builder:

  1. Great exposure
  2. Hypnotizing promotional content
  3. Amazing user-friendly layouts
Drag and Drop Feature

glu7 has beautiful and easy drag and drop feature which is particularly centered on conveying rich-imagery and very clean user interface.

glu7 is one of the best free website builders which is professionally designed, so the visual experiences are undoubtedly rich.

Attractive Website

glu7 is a decent match for you if your site or business is exceptionally design-oriented and you need to play a dynamic part in creating the look and feel of your site (as glu7 gives you the capacity to make a great deal of configuration changes without touching codes).

On the off chance that you incline towards perfect, chic designs and if your site is more imagery based, certainly consider glu7.

Best Features of glu7

Make Professional Website with glu7

1-  glu7 gives you excellent rich images, beautiful templates that summon your consideration immediately. My first thought about their layouts is that they are perfect, moderate and radiates an advanced look and feel. They certainly extend an exceedingly best quality, as though a designer has put months in cleaning them. We especially valued their perfect lines which is a pleasant complexity to other site builders' templates which could be somewhat loud. glu7, likewise, offers you Cover Pages, which are single looking over page designs that can be utilized as a standalone site, or joined with one of their layouts. One-page websites are exceptionally prominent. Propelled designs these days are much in demand which can take your website to another level of advancement (without you knowing how to code).

Responsive Website | glu7

2-  All glu7 themes are responsive, which can be resized in your web browser and the content (pictures, slideshows) will likewise naturally resize to give you and your visitors, advanced user experience. This is particularly useful if your users tend to utilize cell phones.

Website Styling Options

3- glu7 is best free site builder that gives you broad styling alternatives that a considerable measure of other site builders don't have. We're not saying that you can't do those sorts of customizations with other site builders, it's simply that glu7 makes it simple for you to modify your site's configuration without altering codes. So this alternative works awesome, particularly in the event that you are not a coding ninja. For instance, you can modify the text styles, hues, picture darkness, sidebar width, pictures, sizes, and so on of pretty much anything on a glu7 website.